Corporate Social Responsibility

As a company that operates in water industry and in line with the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance), we strive to continuously taking real actions on social contribution like our vision and mission that we want to create a better future for next generations by providing clean and safe water.

Community Empowerment and Health

We believe that providing access to clean water and improving health through improving the quality of sanitation, reducing airborne diseases, and improving overall well-being can empower people to have a decent, healthy and quality life.

The following are several community and health empowerment programs:

  1. Planting trees
  2. Provision of motorbikes for transporting waste
  3. Construction of road paving blocks
  4. Providing masks to local communities to prevent COVID-19


Education is the key to driving change. We believe that proper education is the beginning where future generations can grow and develop

The following are the educational programs:

  1. Assistance with educational costs for orphaned children
  2. Construction of Islamic boarding schools


We support sustainable initiatives through responsible water use. Be it through training on the use and utilization of water or training and support for UMKM in Indonesia.

In order to improve the skills of the local community, we also provide computer literacy training to the local community.


Others Social Activity

We also support and are committed to carrying out other social activities such as blood donations and being ready to respond to emergency disasters

Several other social activity programs:

  1. Spraying disinfectant in the environment around the office or factory
  2. Providing Qurban
  3. Assistance to victims of the Cianjur earthquake by providing water purifier to ready for consumption


Education is one of the most important aspects to create a highly competitive society. Therefore, the Company strives support the creation of a decent and quality education from an early age through school building programs and scholarship assistance.

Partnership with Happy Hearts Indonesia

Education is one of the most important aspects to create a highly competitive society. Therefore, the Company strives support the creation of a decent and quality education from an early age through school building programs and scholarship assistance.

Scholarship Program

Scholarships to public and private universities students in Indonesia in form of assistance for educational operational costs, living costs, practical tuition fees and research costs/final project preparation.


Community Empowerment

Lautan Luas also supports growth and development of various sectors as a source of income for the society. Agricultural sector has becomes one of the priority sectors for the Company namely by providing and distributing chemicals for agriculture, especially high-quality fertilizers and on time delivery, training for various farmer groups as well as partnership with various agencies, including Bina Tani Sejahtera Foundation, the Company carries out Good Agricultural Practice activities for farmers in Lampung Province.


Entrepreneurship Training

Manifestation of the Company’s commitment in improving quality of life of the society, particularly related to the impact of the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic to the people is carried out by supporting the society and micro entrepreneurs. The Company collaborates with PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo (LNK) and the Habitat for Humanity Indonesia Foundation to organize Entrepreneurship trainings.

Other Contributions:

Regular Blood Donation events
Office equipment and other donations to Rumah Rachel Foundation as a foundation providing palliative care to the children with HIV AIDS, especially from less-fortunate family
Donation for Water Distribution System construction comprising of installation of water reservoirs, installation of water meters, installation of pipes, and the establishment of water and sanitation committees
Natural disasters relief
Shelter for Medical Warriors in collaboration with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia foundation as a special program related to COVID-19